Saturday, February 26, 2011

"la danza del padre" Fifth movement: Le père se meurt pour prémier fois.

We know you can not pay the bills,
you have betrayed our mother with several women, and you want to escape from your mistakes;
but we are young and we easily forget, we're easily frightened.
You said you were tired, walked to the bed and you drop on it upside down;
you were breathing hard, you said that your heart pressure had problems...
We followed you, curious.
In front of your children you stop your breath, leaving your mouth open, like a dead.
And we are looking at you, calling to you, you don't respond, then we scream.
My father is dying in front of his children!
This is a rehearsal.
The first of several times you will die like in a theater.
You die in your world of fantasy, this is a stage, a life stage.
We are your ideal audience, naive we suffer, we scream, and we cry.

Do you know, dancer father, my mother never believed in your theater?

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