Sunday, March 6, 2011

"la danza del padre" Sixth movement: Le père est roi et juge.

The father is a king, he has seated on his throne, and he doesn't speak or move.
One of his many children begins his accusations towards me: he says what I do is wrong.
No to how I speak, no to what I speak about, no to how I act, no to what I want in life.
The father is a king and a judge, but he doesn't speak nor move, he doesn't govern nor judge.
He feels supported, plays at being a noble man, wise, understanding, loved.
I am a teenager! I hate that, I cry because of it, I cannot bear that scene, it hurts.
And you are seated, and he is speaking towards me. 
I get irritated while replying and claiming.
You asked for a glass of water, you said you felt agitated.
You prepare (we already know it) your next coup de theatre.

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