Last evening went to see "Roadkill" by Australian Dance Theatre Company Splintergroup at Enwave Theatre, in Toronto. And I'm happy, it was a performance full of suspense, darkness and energy, where fears of the unknown become movement around a car on the road.
Cameras are not allowed inside the theatre, so no photos of the performance itself, but you can see the trailer Splintergroup uploaded in Youtube:
Being on the road, in the middle of nowhere, with a broken car... It seems a perfect extreme situation for a drama, in theatre or in dance, and it was indeed for Roadkill. Splintergroup choreographed (1) simply life and simply bodies going to and coming from the magical universe of fears and unknown realities in Australian outback. I loved those so many ways to narrate with images and sounds; with darkness as a frame. Bodies moved in different realities and everyone of those realities was concrete, touchable for us, spectators. I didn't was scared, I was amazed by entering to them in those worlds of nothing and fading. Two young men (Gavin Weber and Gryson Millwood), one young woman (Gabrielle Nankivell), without names, living interminable terrible moments that maybe never happened.
Of course "Roadkill" is more than a choreography, it is a full representational act of our time.
One thing I love of Australian Performing Arts is that they seem not to have any tradition to follow, as if Australians were born in Performing Arts at the end of 20th century; they don't follow any narrative or style older than those appeared around 70s, when Postmodernism brought a new blow of light to a tired Western theatre.
If you want to listen what they think about their show:
(1) The choreographers are Gavin Webber, Grayson Millwood and Sarah-Jayne Howard.
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